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Enterprise Risk Manager Expert

Extended II

We have researched trends on where the ERM ‘charter’ is progressing, surveyed businesses that are struggling to accommodate shifts in market dynamics and added important agendas including but not limited to  Business Modelling  Risk Culture  and  ESG  into the training. All these topics will be explained with  Real Life Examples  that are easy to follow.

This training is designed to take ERM practitioners to the  next level . This is especially the case for those managers that have already completed a Causal Capital foundational ERM or Op Risk program.

If you are trying to extend your existing Risk Framework or if you want to align  your Risk Framework closer to Pressing Business  Requirements , then this is an ideal masterclass for you.

All Causal Capital Enterprise Risk Management courses including this new masterclass and the first level Certified Enterprise Risk Management Expert program we run come bundled with the following benefits:

  • Lifetime access to the Learning Portal

  • Certification from the London School of Business and Finance

  • Bite Size Learning approach to material delivery

  • You can bring your risk related challenges & complex questions to the class

  • All presentations, templates and excel models can be downloaded

3 - 6 February 2025 in Dubai


Strategic RIsk

Top Down methods for assessing risk in corporations

Business Model Sustainability

How to assess your business model is risk sustainable
Business Model Risk
Integrate Risk Assessment into Business Modelling

Supply Chain Risk Assessment
Upstream & Downstream Risk Asssessment
Funding Liquidity Risk Assessment
Connect Business Model Variance & Risk to Funding
Modelling II Risk Quantification
Pricing Risk with Monte Carlo, Model Risk Velocity
Modelling II Risk Causal Modelling
Bayesian Networks, New AI Causal Models Case Stud
Leveraging ISO & COSO Frameworks
How to leverage off your existing risk infrastructure
Integrating Lines of Defense
Methods for truly integrating GRC agendas

Environmental Social Corporate Governance
A winning approach for connecting ERM to ESG
Assessing & Developing Risk Culture
Assess and then develop a progressive Risk Culture
GAP Study & Roadmap to move into ERM II
Perform a gap study on your framework to evolve
ERM Role in Cyber Security Risk
ERM Security and Cyber Risk what needs to be done
Crisis Response Best Practices
Beyond ISO Crisis Response Frameworks
ERM & Legal Risk Transference Techniques
Methods for transferring Risk to Counterparties
Social Media & Reputation Risk
Assess the impacts of reputation risk on your business
Product & Project Risk Assessment
Product Risk Assessment and RAROC Models
Risk Budgeting & Capital Planner
Winning approach for Risk Budget, Transfer Pricing


Martin Davies

Martin Davies

Risk Framework Architect 

Martin is a risk framework architect who designs risk measurement systems for auditors and risk managers working in trading firms,energy houses, manufacturing companies, and financial institutions. He has more than twenty years of experience developing bespoke risk reporting and scorecard assessment solutions with a particular focus on operational audit, IT, finance and the transactional aspects of a business.


Certified Enterprise Risk Manager Expert

For information regarding upcoming delivery dates, please contact our agents


Ana Nevistikj

+44 203 5751 034


Irena Krdzic

+44 20 7193 2513

3 - 6 February 2025 in Dubai

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